Hello, I am Coach Tulin! I am the world's leading authority in plus size fitness and modification, as well as the creator and founder of the #FitHasNoSize Movement.
I want you to know that I am on this journey WITH you - the ups, downs, and in betweens!
Because I believe that no matter how many set backs we face, there is always another stronger comeback!
“One of the biggest things that I have taken from my work with Coach Tulin is being able to feel alive again… I feel purposeful. I feel driven and I take care of myself. It's such an amazing way to live and I wouldn't give that up for anything... I’ve come to accept myself. She helped me to see the ways that my limiting beliefs were holding me back... I can accept myself just as I am today.”
“She helps us realize that it is not the number on the scale. It is the weight between our ears that holds us back.. She gives us the tools to put in our tool box so we can overcome that thinking... I can't tell you how much this has done for me..... She trains warriors. I'm now warrior… She accepts nothing less than full acceptance from each one of us. So it doesn't matter who you are or where you are in your life, join us. The love is so wonderful. The acceptance is so wonderful.”
“It took me 10 years and 4 therapist, but 6 months with Fit Has No Size...because of this I am a lot more confident. I'm free. I have so much more joy, so much more self respect and love because I decided to say no and know that I deserve more… I have been able to maintain an 85 pound weight loss and… I'm getting tools to help me become the best person that I can be..”
“I have learned about myself and what my abilities are. I’ve learned how to talk nicer to myself. I've learned how to have better conversations with my friends and my family and mostly just to believe in myself and what my abilities are. It changes everything… But beyond that, I learned the mental mindset and what was holding me back for all these years.”
“I have learned a new normal dealing with chronic illness and dealing with, even being told by professionals, that I would never lose the weight… that I would never change. I've changed, I've maintained a 60 pound weight loss in the last two years, and I've learned that it's not about the scale. It's about what I've gained in losing the weight between my ears, which can't be measured on a scale. I went from bitter and angry, to happy and fierce.”
“I knew I couldn't do a squat or lunge and I was having a hard time figuring out, well, how can I do this workout? I didn't think that was possible but Tulin is the wonderful woman who taught me, that it is extremely possible. That through modifications, I can build up my strength, that doing things maybe a little bit more different is okay. I have changed my mindset around, I have found joy in what I'm doing with my workouts.”
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